Ive Got a Funny Feeling Im on a Merrygoround

Shane McAnally, right, laughs with Bart Herbison, left, as he recalls writing "Merry Go 'Round."

"Mama's hooked on Mary Kay, brother's hooked on Mary Jane, and daddy's hooked on Mary two doors down."

Kacey Musgraves set a vivid scene of small-town life on her debut single, "Merry Go 'Round," which the country singer wrote with Shane McAnally and Josh Osborne. You could argue that the song should have a fourth writing credit — for McAnally's mother. She inspired the tune after making a funny comment about all the cars parked at her neighbor's house in Texas. McAnally shared the story of "Merry Go 'Round" with Bart Herbison of Nashville Songwriters Association International.

"Symbiotic" means both parties benefit, nurture and feed each other, and, wow, what a ride. What a creative energy you (and Musgraves) have.

Yeah. I've been in town since I was 19. I had been here a long time and through different publishing deals and record deals. I left for a while and went to L.A. When I met Kacey, it did feel like, it took me so much longer to figure out who I was as a songwriter, what I wanted to say. She knew this. I met her when she was 21, and she was so far ahead of everyone. Some people are just old souls. And she hadn't had so much life experience. A lot of people have had these terrible things happen to them. She knew herself ... and her influences were so similar to mine.

(A mutual friend), Ashley Arrison, lived down the street from me, and she had told me about Kacey. Kacey had been in Nashville for about six months. She said, "You've gotta meet this girl. She's from Texas." I'm from Texas, and there is sort of a similar pride that comes with that. So I go down there one night after — actually, I had a double (session). I'd written two songs that day, and I was so fried. I went and Kacey was there, and she had her dog. We were just hanging out, and we started writing a song that actually is on her new record, called "Fine." The night we met, we wrote that song. We just got each other. I was so mesmerized by her phrasing, her lyrical sensibility, her melodies. I went home that night, and I was thinking she was Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson, Lee Ann Womack. Those are three of the biggest influences on me musically. She sang like Dolly and LeAnn but with this Willie Nelson phrasing, storytelling ability. ... She was the artist I always dreamed of being without knowing how to do that.

Let's take that back down to Texas, where you're both from. Josh Osborne's part of this posse, and you're on a writing trip. You're at your mom's house. I love the way this song came about.

I have a pretty big character in a mom. She is great for songs. She has given me so many titles, and this song is no exception. She had these neighbors at the time. Josh and I came a few days early, before the writing retreat that Kacey, Luke Laird and Brandy Clark were going to be on with us. It was July 4 weekend, and there were a ton of cars next door, probably just because of the weekend. But my mom was completely put out by it. Josh said, "Margaret, what are all those cars next door?" She said, "I don't know, Josh. They're selling Mary Kay or Mary Jane or something over there." Josh and I, it was like a bell went off. We just looked at each other, and we died laughing. Then we we got alone. I was like, "There is something in that. I don't know what it is." We thought it would be a funny song.

But now this is the genius of Kacey. She helped you go down (another) street instead.

Absolutely. We told her the line, and we said we had racked our brain for every "Mary" reference we could. There are so many Marys that didn't make it in the song, and not just the name. It's "Merry Go Round, " "Merry Christmas" and when you get married. We tried to think of every use of that word, and it's almost like we had a chart for her. We were like, "We have no idea what to do with this, but what does all of this have in common? It could be really funny." And she said, "It doesn't feel funny to me. It feels real." ... It came out really fast.

I've got to thank your mom because we love this song.

She's always (saying) "Why isn't that Grammy that you got on my shelf?"


In partnership with Nashville Songwriters Association International, each week we will release a new video interview with a Nashville songwriter about his or her work.


Source: https://www.tennessean.com/story/entertainment/music/2015/09/19/songwriters-mom-inspired-merry-go-round/72319762/

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